Sonntag, 30. November 2014

Update ~ 30th november, 2014 ~

Ohayoo minna,
since friday I've got wlan again! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚[yay]
The last week was really really hard. I've wrote three exams and I don't really know if I did my work good or bad but I think forward. It's just one mark of three. Everything seems open to me.
Soon I have to write applications for my practical training as tailor. I'm very exited about it. It'ss start in summer '15. for about 4 weeks.

Yesterday I was in the city and went shopping with my mum. At first we went to Saturn (an electronic-shop in Germany) because they had an campaign where you can buy three things and only pay for two. So I bought three videogames.

- Bravely Default (3DS)
- Pokémon Alpha Saphire (3DS)
- Dangan Ronpa 2 (PSVita)

At first I wanted to buy Assassin's Creed Unity, too but I hadn't enough money so I talked to my mum that Unity is one of my wishes for christmas. ☁മ◡മ☁

Yesterday and today I've already played Pokémon AS and it's so cute and make so much fun! 
After this post I will continue playing and perhaps I will also start playing Dangan ronpa 2 or bravely deafult.

I wish you have a nice day 

さぞなら ♥

Montag, 10. November 2014


Konban wa minna!
Today I start thinking about my future and plans I have. So I want to share it with someone and here I go!At first I want to finish my education and being a professional tailor (`◕‸◕´+). It'll be hard but I want to do my best! Faighto LuLu-Chan Faighto! 

After I'll finish my education I want to go to Dusseldorf for making further education for my master and I want also learn things about design. 

After this time I really really want to go to japan for a year! (=ω=;) That's the biggest dream I have since I'm a child. I saved money since I'm 10 years old!

Soon I will start my japanese lessons again. I love the japanese language 

    It's the most melodic and beautiful language I've heard and learned. 
    So that have been my coarse future planing. Nothing special, I know. But for me it's soooooo important! 

    Love and hugs <3

    Samstag, 28. Juni 2014

    My next Cosplay-Plan

    I don't really know where I should wear it.
    Today I watched the last episode of Mekaku City Actors. I was planning to cosplay Ene before but after this episode my decision changed. I still want to Cosplay Ene some day in her virtual Outfit

     but first I decided to cosplay Enemoto Takane in her videogame-character Outfit. 

    Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014

    My Top 10 Male Anime/Manga Characters

    Platz 10:

    Ouma Shu (Guilty Crown)

    Platz 9:

    Levi Heichou (Shingeki no Kyojin)

    Platz 8:

    Nagisa Takamatsu (Love Berrish!)

    Platz 7:

    Ayato Naoi (Angel Beats)

    Platz 6:

    Kurou Yatogami (K-Project)

    Platz 5:

    Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!) 

    Platz 4:

    Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) 

    Platz 3:

    Istuki Koizumi (Haruhi Suzumiya no yuutso)

    Platz 2:Syo Kurusu (Uta no Prince-sama 100%)

    Platz 1:

    Yato (Noragami)

    Montag, 16. Juni 2014

    My Top 10 female Anime/Manga Characters

    Platz 10: 

    Akemi Homura (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)

    Platz 9:

    Momo (Momo - little devil)

    Platz 8:

    Haruhi Suzumiya (Haruhi Suzumiya no yuutso)

    Platz 7:

    Azusa Nakano (K-On!)

    Platz 6:

    Himeragi Yukina (Strike the blood)

    Platz 5:

    Insane Black Rock Shooter (Black Rock Shooter)

    Platz 4:

    Iki Hiyori (Noragami)

    Platz 3:

    Mato Kuroi (Black Rock Shooter) 

    Platz 2:

    Enemoto (Ene) Takane (Mekaku City Actors)

    Platz 1:

    Mio Akiyama (K-On)

    Endlich einen Blog eröffnet!!!

    Ich habe es endlich geschafft diesen Blog zu eröffnen *happy* 
    Ich wollte schon lange einen Blog schreiben, aber irgendwie kam ich bisher nie dazu. Ich frage mich aber auch, ob sich jemand überhaupt diesen Blog anschauen wird. -hahaha- Das wäre natürlich toll, aber in erster Linie, mache ich diesen Blog ja für mich. Einfach um meinen Gedanken freien Lauf zu lassen, mich über Dinge auszukotzen und alles was mich so beschäftigt nieder zu schreiben. Und wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es ja doch Leute die das interessiert! 
    Ich werde hier also allen Mögliche zu meiner Person, zu den Dingen und den Stuff, der mich interessiert, schreiben =^-^=
    Joa, mehr habe ich zu Anfang auch nicht zu sagen. 
    Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Abend.

    LuLu-Chan ♥