Montag, 10. November 2014


Konban wa minna!
Today I start thinking about my future and plans I have. So I want to share it with someone and here I go!At first I want to finish my education and being a professional tailor (`◕‸◕´+). It'll be hard but I want to do my best! Faighto LuLu-Chan Faighto! 

After I'll finish my education I want to go to Dusseldorf for making further education for my master and I want also learn things about design. 

After this time I really really want to go to japan for a year! (=ω=;) That's the biggest dream I have since I'm a child. I saved money since I'm 10 years old!

Soon I will start my japanese lessons again. I love the japanese language 

    It's the most melodic and beautiful language I've heard and learned. 
    So that have been my coarse future planing. Nothing special, I know. But for me it's soooooo important! 

    Love and hugs <3

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